Vote for fair
for Free/Libre/Open-Source commons
Each piece of code is important and can change everything
XKCD n°2347

Copie publique in 3 rules



A variable annual amount defined by a formula freely defined by each member.

Just as profit-sharing and incentive plans, the formula depends on annual financial results so that each company contributes according to its means.



Each year, the annual budget is allocated to support Free and Open Source projects by employees either by personal or collective choices. Whatever the voting procedure is, it has to involve staff.

For instance...

Character designer in an animation studio, Copie Publique compensation allows me to contribute to the Krita Development Fund for a better UX.
In my volunteer activity, our non-profit needs secure collaborative tools. I could decide to give a part of my company's Copie Publique funds to CryptPad.
I manage my garage accountability with open source software. I invested my Copie Publique funds to Dolibarr.
Working in academic publishing sector, this year we decided to attribute our Copie Publique funds to Wikimedia France to help the Wikisource project publish world literature classics which we can then reissue.


Donations must benefit to Free and Open Source projects or initiatives helping these communities

We believe people and organizations working for better digital commons should be fairly rewarded, because our society relies on their work.

Supported projects

Breakdown of allocated funds
Year Company Beneficiary Amount
2024 OuestWare 450 €
2024 OuestWare 450 €
2024 OuestWare 450 €
2024 OuestWare 200 €
2024 OuestWare 200 €
2024 OuestWare 200 €
2024 OuestWare 200 €
2024 OuestWare 200 €
2024 OuestWare 100 €
2024 OuestWare 100 €
2024 OuestWare 100 €
2024 OuestWare 100 €
2024 OuestWare 100 €
2024 OuestWare 100 €
2024 OuestWare 100 €
2023 Ouvaton 437,8 €
2023 Ouvaton 437,8 €
2023 OuestWare 500 €
2023 OuestWare 500 €
2023 OuestWare 250 €
2023 OuestWare 250 €
2023 OuestWare 250 €
2023 OuestWare 250 €
2023 OuestWare 100 €
2023 OuestWare 100 €
2023 OuestWare 100 €
2023 OuestWare 100 €
2023 OuestWare 100 €
2023 OuestWare 100 €
2023 OuestWare 100 €
2023 OuestWare 100 €
2023 OuestWare 100 €
2023 John Livingston 65 €
2023 John Livingston 59 €
2023 John Livingston 58 €
2023 John Livingston 54 €
2023 John Livingston 42,6 €
2023 John Livingston 40 €
2023 John Livingston 35 €
2023 John Livingston 15 €
2023 John Livingston 13 €
2023 John Livingston 106 €
2023 Code Lutin 86 €
2023 Code Lutin 86 €
2023 Code Lutin 86 €
2023 Code Lutin 86 €
2023 Code Lutin 816 €
2023 Code Lutin 64 €
2023 Code Lutin 64 €
2023 Code Lutin 64 €
2023 Code Lutin 64 €
2023 Code Lutin 64 €
2023 Code Lutin 5 000 €
2023 Code Lutin 500 €
2023 Code Lutin 481 €
2023 Code Lutin 481 €
2023 Code Lutin 472 €
2023 Code Lutin 43 €
2023 Code Lutin 43 €
2023 Code Lutin 43 €
2023 Code Lutin 43 €
2023 Code Lutin 408 €
2023 Code Lutin 365 €
2023 Code Lutin 361 €
2023 Code Lutin 333 €
2023 Code Lutin 3 000 €
2023 Code Lutin 300 €
2023 Code Lutin 300 €
2023 Code Lutin 279 €
2023 Code Lutin 258 €
2023 Code Lutin 236 €
2023 Code Lutin 215 €
2023 Code Lutin 21 €
2023 Code Lutin 21 €
2023 Code Lutin 21 €
2023 Code Lutin 21 €
2023 Code Lutin 21 €
2023 Code Lutin 180 €
2023 Code Lutin 172 €
2023 Code Lutin 1 666 €
2023 Code Lutin 129 €
2023 Code Lutin 1 180 €
2023 Code Lutin 107 €
2022 OuestWare 500 €
2022 OuestWare 500 €
2022 OuestWare 300 €
2022 OuestWare 250 €
2022 OuestWare 190 €
2022 OuestWare 190 €
2022 OuestWare 190 €
2022 OuestWare 190 €
2022 Code Lutin 9 000 €
2022 Code Lutin 856 €
2022 Code Lutin 817 €
2022 Code Lutin 78 €
2022 Code Lutin 78 €
2022 Code Lutin 78 €
2022 Code Lutin 78 €
2022 Code Lutin 78 €
2022 Code Lutin 78 €
2022 Code Lutin 766 €
2022 Code Lutin 740 €
2022 Code Lutin 727 €
2022 Code Lutin 623 €
2022 Code Lutin 623 €
2022 Code Lutin 610 €
2022 Code Lutin 584 €
2022 Code Lutin 506 €
2022 Code Lutin 506 €
2022 Code Lutin 467 €
2022 Code Lutin 467 €
2022 Code Lutin 428 €
2022 Code Lutin 311 €
2022 Code Lutin 272 €
2022 Code Lutin 272 €
2022 Code Lutin 195 €
2022 Code Lutin 195 €
2022 Code Lutin 195 €
2022 Code Lutin 195 €
2022 Code Lutin 1 713 €
2022 Code Lutin 156 €
2022 Code Lutin 156 €
2022 Code Lutin 117 €
2022 Code Lutin 117 €
2022 Code Lutin 117 €
2022 Code Lutin 117 €
2022 Code Lutin 1 129 €
2022 Code Lutin 1 129 €
2022 Code Lutin 1 000 €
2021 Néréide 95 €
2021 Néréide 500 €
2021 Néréide 500 €
2021 Néréide 380 €
2021 Néréide 2 500 €
2021 Néréide 116 €
2021 Néréide 1 000 €
2021 Néréide 100 €
2021 Néréide 100 €
2021 Code Lutin 971 €
2021 Code Lutin 918 €
2021 Code Lutin 882 €
2021 Code Lutin 88 €
2021 Code Lutin 88 €
2021 Code Lutin 88 €
2021 Code Lutin 88 €
2021 Code Lutin 88 €
2021 Code Lutin 88 €
2021 Code Lutin 88 €
2021 Code Lutin 794 €
2021 Code Lutin 706 €
2021 Code Lutin 653 €
2021 Code Lutin 618 €
2021 Code Lutin 500 €
2021 Code Lutin 485 €
2021 Code Lutin 485 €
2021 Code Lutin 441 €
2021 Code Lutin 44 €
2021 Code Lutin 432 €
2021 Code Lutin 4 000 €
2021 Code Lutin 4 000 €
2021 Code Lutin 388 €
2021 Code Lutin 353 €
2021 Code Lutin 353 €
2021 Code Lutin 353 €
2021 Code Lutin 221 €
2021 Code Lutin 221 €
2021 Code Lutin 221 €
2021 Code Lutin 1 853 €
2021 Code Lutin 176 €
2021 Code Lutin 176 €
2021 Code Lutin 132 €
2021 Code Lutin 132 €
2021 Code Lutin 132 €
2021 Code Lutin 1 191 €
2021 Code Lutin 1 050 €
2020 Code Lutin 771 €
2020 Code Lutin 616 €
2020 Code Lutin 610 €
2020 Code Lutin 600 €
2020 Code Lutin 60 €
2020 Code Lutin 58 €
2020 Code Lutin 566 €
2020 Code Lutin 50 €
2020 Code Lutin 50 €
2020 Code Lutin 4 520 €
2020 Code Lutin 373 €
2020 Code Lutin 350 €
2020 Code Lutin 324 €
2020 Code Lutin 324 €
2020 Code Lutin 2 880 €
2020 Code Lutin 274 €
2020 Code Lutin 25 €
2020 Code Lutin 235 €
2020 Code Lutin 233 €
2020 Code Lutin 204 €
2020 Code Lutin 2 000 €
2020 Code Lutin 175 €
2020 Code Lutin 156 €
2020 Code Lutin 149 €
2020 Code Lutin 142 €
2020 Code Lutin 124 €
2020 Code Lutin 113 €
2020 Code Lutin 113 €
2020 Code Lutin 108 €
2020 Code Lutin 100 €
2019 Code Lutin 942 €
2019 Code Lutin 842 €
2019 Code Lutin 71 €
2019 Code Lutin 71 €
2019 Code Lutin 4 400 €
2019 Code Lutin 361 €
2019 Code Lutin 306 €
2019 Code Lutin 229 €
2019 Code Lutin 220 €
2019 Code Lutin 220 €
2019 Code Lutin 220 €
2019 Code Lutin 2 000 €
2019 Code Lutin 198 €
2019 Code Lutin 182 €
2019 Code Lutin 127 €
2019 Code Lutin 126 €
2019 Code Lutin 126 €
2019 Code Lutin 1 000 €
2019 Code Lutin 1 000 €
2016 Code Lutin 4 900 €
2015 Code Lutin 505 €
2015 Code Lutin 2 601 €
2015 Code Lutin 2 600 €
2014 Code Lutin 4 580 €
2013 Code Lutin 500 €
2013 Code Lutin 4 000 €
2013 Code Lutin 1 800 €
2012 Code Lutin 3 000 €
2011 Code Lutin 3 605 €

It works!


139 200 €




companies involved



supported projects


Our supporters

Join the movement


Bring your company in the Copie Publique movement

Download our start-up guide
(in French only)


Convince your company to join the Copie Publique movement

Download our guide for employees
(in French only)

Let's discuss!